Paintings & Drawings
For inquires about artwork or commissions, please contact the artist or one of the gallery representatives.
Ruisdael Hen Pigments, acrylic emulsion & 24k gold on panel 14" x 11"
Ruisdael Rooster Pigments, acrylic emulsion & 24k gold on panel 14" x 11"
Snakebird (Anhinga) Acrylic drybrush on canvas 30" x 24"
Respectable Bird Watercolor & acrylic on panel 14" x 11"
Nighthawks over the Franklin Mountains State Park Acrylic drybrush on canvas 28" x 36"
Handsome Tom, South Llano River State Park Acrylic on panel 32" x 30"
Duck Walk (Northern Shoveler) Watercolor 16” x 19”
Spoonbills Watercolor 19” x 16”
Cotton Queen Acrylic drybrush on canvas 24” x 36” 🔴
Spotted Bee Balm Watercolor & Graphite on paper 22.5” x 27.5”
Siren Song 10” x 8” Mixed media on panel 🔴
Black-necked Stilt Watercolor on panel 4” x 4” 🔴
Catbird Watercolor on panel 4” x 4” 🔴
Dickcissel Watercolor on panel 4” x 4” 🔴
Tree Swallow Watercolor on panel 4” x 4” 🔴
Orchard Oriole Watercolor on panel 4” x 4” 🔴
Gladiolus & Carolina Chickadees Acrylic & 24k gold on panel 30" x 18"
Red Yucca & Ruby-throated Hummingbirds Acrylic & 24k gold on panel 30" x 18" 🔴
Rose Prickly Poppy & Blue-gray Gnatcatchers Acrylic & 24k gold on panel 30" x 18"
Wrens & Red Roses Acrylic & 24k gold on panel 30" x 18"
Pyro-loxia & Scissor-tailed Firecatchers Egg tempera on panel 8" x 10" 🔴
Burning Pyrrhuloxia Egg tempera & 24k shell gold on panel 5" x 6" 🔴
Cardinal with Turquoise Watercolor 4" x 4" 🔴
Righteous Egg Tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 5" x 6" 🔴
River Usurper: Arundo donax Acrylic dry brush on cotton canvas 91" x 84" 🔴
Shepards Camp
In Vino Veritas Acrylic & 24k gold leaf on paper mounted to panel 30" x 22" 🔴
Rain Crows Egg tempera on panel 16" x 12" 🔴
Maguey Liso Acrylic dry brush on cotton canvas 61" x 77.75" 🔴
Raining Frogs & Fishes Graphite on paper 30" x 42" 🔴
Paisano Portrait Watercolor and Graphite 22" x 22" 🔴
Milk & Wine Crinum Watercolor & graphite 15" x 20" 🔴
Gilded Agave No. 2 Egg tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 14" x 11" 🔴
Indigo Bunting & Beauty Berry Egg tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 14" x 11" 🔴
Great Egret Étude Acrylic drybrush on canvas 15" x 30" 🔴
Goldenrod Grove Watercolor, graphite, acrylic on paper 42" x 29.5"
Baby Bass Egg tempera on panel 10" x 8" 🔴
Brown Leghorn Rooster Egg tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 11" x 14" 🔴
Hercules Egg Tempera with 24k gold leaf & 24k shell gold on panel 16" x 20" 🔴
Brown Leghorn Hen Egg tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 11" x 14" 🔴
Common Yellowthroat Mixed media on panel 18" x 8" 🔴
Acrylic on panel
16" x 20"
Blue Grosbeck & Flame Sumac Egg tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 11" x 14" 🔴
Emu Charcoal on paper 51" x 54"
Morning on Buffalo Creek Charcoal on paper 22" x 30"
Cryptic Yellow Watercolor and graphite 15" x 20" 🔴
Endangered Species Icon: Black-capped Vireo Egg tempera with 24k gold leaf on panel 14" x 11" 🔴
Bluebird Bindweed 🔴